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Theology and Worship

젊은이들을 중심으로 고대의 예전 형식을 탈피한 새로운 형태의 예배를 갈망하는 움직임이 일어나면서, 미국의 구도자 중심의 예배 이후 등장하고 있는 ‘이머징 예배'

Emerging Worship

The Office of Theology and Worship is responding to the contemporary worship movement with an approach called Emerging Worship.

Emerging Worship refers to any practice of worship that is expressive, faithful to tradition, and attentive to local context. The name “Emerging Worship” itself suggests a cutting edge of growth and change, for its broad scope and organic nature set it apart from earlier, more defined movements. People from different denominations, liturgical traditions, theological perspectives, musical backgrounds, social and geographical contexts, are included in Emerging Worship.

Thus, Emerging Worship is not a label for a specific form, liturgy, or style of music. Emerging Worship is intentionally ecumenical and multi-cultural, in purview, celebrating the broad expressions of worship that are continually growing and developing.

Emerging Worship wells up each week in communities all over the world. The motivation for worship is not market- or seeker-driven but flows from our deep spiritual convictions about God’s grace and initiative in calling us to Christ. Emerging Worship is not a prescribed model for worship such as a “Willow Creek Model,” nor an “ideologically-driven” approach. Authentic and appropriate worship will emerge within communities that take seriously the challenge of articulating the ancient Christian faith, synchronically and diachronically, in their local context. These characteristics should be celebrated, nurtured and shared as examples.

Emerging Worship responds to God’s Word for us, the church’s deep tradition, and the context of local faith communities. Emerging Worship has direction: the full expression of God’s Way on earth. It is evangelical by nature and mission oriented in response.

In some contexts Emerging Worship may look like the “way we have always done it,” while in other contexts it may look very “contemporary.” Emerging Worship may be modeled after the prayers of Taize or Iona, the “rave” culture born in the United Kingdom, evangelical urban church plants (urban new church development projects) or the “regular” Sunday service of a particular community.

Emerging Worship is a way of recognizing, articulating and developing worship that seeks to be authentic to our ancient faith while being appropriate to our current context. Along with new technology, Internet resources, global and local artists, musicians, and poets, the Book of Common Worship and its supplemental material, the Presbyterian Hymnal and its supplemental material are examples of important resources for Emerging Worship.

The Arts (dance, fine art, fabrics, drama, music), modern, local, ancient and global, are encouraged in Emerging Worship along with reclaiming ancient rituals and elements used throughout time and space. Weekly celebration of the Eucharist is encouraged. Reaffirmation of the baptismal covenant, services of healing and wholeness, and rituals marking significant passages in people’s lives are common in Emerging Worship. Oil, water, wine and bread, the visible signs of God’s grace, are frequently engaged.

Music is not the defining norm of Emerging Worship. Some church services may accentuate a particular style, while others may blend different genres. There need be no conflict in Emerging Worship between organs and guitars, choruses and hymns, linear or cyclical musical forms. Each context (defined by such things as geography, demographics, availability and skill level of musicians) will have some bearing on the music offered and the extent to which the music is diverse. Music does not define worship. Rather, it is the melody upon which the liturgy will dance. Thoughtful reflection on the text(s) for the day, the flow of the liturgy and the context of a particular church should be some of the motivating factors for musical selection. The text used with the music must also be carefully chosen. Another important factor is the utilization of the gifts of those in the community. In Emerging Worship, participation is more important than perfection.

The normal boundaries which have created divisions in many churches, such as musical style, technology, and sacramental practice, are not defined in Emerging Worship. “Worship wars” are superfluous. The boundaries are broad, but, the focus is precise: God present in the world and in our lives. The juxtaposition between broad boundaries and a precise focus on God sets Emerging Worship apart from understanding worship in terms of “classical”, “traditional” or “contemporary” categories.

* 참고

“이머징 예배, 차세대 위한 새로운 대안 될 수 있다 ? ”

조성돈 교수는 “미국교회의 경우 쇼핑센터형 구도자 예배에서 자신들의 답을 찾지 못하는 세대가 나타나면서, 고대적 예배의 형태와 이미지를 도입하되 미래의 모습을 찾아보려는 시도가 이뤄지고 있다”며 “한국에서도 구도자 예배의 한계에서 이러한 가능성이 생겨나고 있는 것은 아닌지 살펴볼 필요가 있다”고 밝혔다.

박종환 교수(실천신대 예배학)

“초기 교회의 신비를 재현하고 경험할 수 있는 공간과 시간에 관심을 갖고 전통적 예전을 재구성하려는 이머징 예배의 시도는 주목할 만하다”며 “상당한 예술적 감각과 자유로운 분위기를 요하는 이머징 예배를 한국교회에서 직접적으로 접목하기는 어려움이 있겠지만, 젊은 세대들에게는 새로운 도전이 될 수 있다”고 전망했다.

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