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12명의 설교자

1995년에 미국 텍사스 주 웨코 시에 위치한 베일러 대학교에서(Baylor University, Waco, Texas) 미국의 설교학자 및 종교잡지 편집장들 341명에게 설문지를 돌려 영어권에서 탁월한 효과적 설교자를 추천하여 달라고 했다.

1548명의 추천자 명단이 들어왔고 그중에 12명을 선발하였다.

선정된 12명에게 1996-1997년도 학기에 ‘베일러 대학이 주는 위대한 설교자상’을 수여하면서 설교학 강연회를 열었다. 이렇게 해서 나온 것이 “12명의 훌륭한 설교자”(the 12 Most Effective Preachers)의 명단이다.

참고로 베일러 대학교는 미국 서남부의 명문 대학으로 침례교 전통의 사립대학입니다. [십여 년이 지난 설문지 결과이지만 이 글을 읽는 사람에게 그들의 설교나 책들을 접할 수 있는 기회를 주기 위해 이곳에 싣는다. 또한 이 명단에 들지 않는 저명한 설교자들이 있다는 것도 기억해야한다. 예를 들어, 하버드 대학의 교목실장이며 흑인 설교자인 Peter Gomes 박사나 미국 성공회 여성 설교자인 Fleming Rutledge(들이 있다

* The Rev. Walter J. Burghardt S.J., is senior fellow of the Woodstock Theological Center in Washington, D.C. He has been president of the American Theological Society, managing editor of Theological Studies, Theologian-in-Residence at Georgetown University, and he has written numerous books and articles on preaching.

* Dr. Fred Craddock is the Bandy Distinguished Professor of Preaching and New Testament, emeritus, in the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He has served pastorates in Tennessee and Oklahoma and has lectured and published extensively on preaching the gospel. 소위 신설교학파의 대표적 이론가이며 실천가이다.

* Dr. James Forbes is the senior minister of the Riverside Church in New York City. He is the first African-American minister to serve a pastorate of one of the largest multicultural congregations in the nation. The Riverside Church is a 2,400 member church affiliated with American Baptist Churches and the United Church of Christ. Before coming to Riverside in 1989, he pastored in Richmond Va., and Wilmington, N.C., and has served at Union Theological Seminary and Auburn Theological Seminary.

* The Rev. Billy Graham now works through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Ordained in 1940 by the Southern Baptist Convention, he has led crusades throughout the world and conducts his ministry through weekly radio programs, television specials, a newspaper column, Decision magazine, and World Wide Pictures. Graham is regularly listed by the Gallup organization of the "Ten Most Admired Men in the World" and has appeared on the covers of Time, Newsweek and Life. 빌리 그래함 목사님은 따로 소개가 필요 없을 것이다.

* Dr. Thomas Long is the Francis Landey Patton Professor of Preaching and Worship at Princeton Theological Seminary. He began his professional career as a Presbyterian pastor in Atlanta but has served on the faculty at various seminaries for the last 20 years. Long is the editor of Theology Today and senior homiletics editor of the New Interpreter's Bible. He has written many books and articles on preaching, including "Beavis and Butt-Head Get Saved." 토미스 롱 교수는 프린스턴 신학교의 설교학 교수로 있다가 현재는 프래드릭 크래독 교수의 후임으로 에모리 대학교의 신학부인 캔들러 신학교의 설교학 교수로 있다.

* The Rev. Lloyd Ogilvie is chaplain of the U.S. Senate and pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood, Calif. He hosts a nationally syndicated radio and television program, "Let God Love You." Ogilvie has authored numerous books and articles on preaching and is general editor of the 32-volume Communicator's Commentary.

* Dr. Haddon Robinson is the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Previously, he had served as president of the Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary and a professor of homiletics at Dallas Theological Seminary. He was president of the Evangelical Theological Society and has written a number of works on preaching, including Biblical Preaching, which is currently used at more than 100 seminaries and Bible colleges. 현재, 메사츄세스주의 고든 콘웰 신학교의 설교학 교수로 있으며 한국에서도 잘 알려져 있다.

* Dr. John R. Stott is rector emeritus at All Souls Church in Langham Place, London, and president of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. He was chaplain to the Queen between 1959 and 1991 and currently serves as extra chaplain. Stott is president of the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship and has initiated a strong and continuing third world ministry. He has written extensively on biblically-based preaching. 존 스토트 역시 한국의 목회자나 신학생들에게 친숙한 이름이다.

* Dr. Charles Swindoll is president of the Dallas Theological Seminary. He has held pastorates in Dallas and Irving, Texas; Waltham, Mass.; and Fullerton, Calif. Swindoll's ministry is shared internationally through numerous books and articles as well as an extensive cassette tape distribution system and daily radio broadcast, "Insight for Living." He was honored as Clergyman of the Year by the Religious Heritage of America. 달변가로 알려진 스윈돌 목사는 달라스 신학교 총장(1994-2001)으로 있다가 현재는 명예총장으로 있으며 다시 목회 현장(Stonebriar Community Church;으로 돌아갔다. 한국에서는 지구촌 침례교회의 이동원 목사가 스윈돌 목사와 가장 닮은 설교자라 할 수 있다.

* The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor is rector at Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, Clarkesville, Ga. Previously she spent nine years in urban ministry at All Saints' Church in Atlanta, Ga. She has taught at Candler School of Theology, the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest, McCormick Seminary and the College of Preachers in Washington, D.C. She has written four books, including The Preaching Life and Gospel Medicine, and serves on the editorial board of the Living Pulpit. 바바라 브라운 테일러 교수는 미국에서 가장 영향력 있는 여성 설교자이며 강연 요청이 가장 많은 설교자이다. 그녀의 저서들(대부분 설교집)은 언제나 베스트셀러이다. 현재는 피드먼트(Piedmont College) 대학교의 종교학 교수로 있으며 조지아 주의 컬럼비아 신학교에서 설교학을 가르친다. 그녀의 웹페이지는

* Dr. Gardner C. Taylor is pastor emeritus at Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Brooklyn, NY. He has lectured on preaching at Colgate University, Harvard University, Yale University and seminaries across the nation. Gardner has been called "the dean of the nation's black preachers" by Time, "one of the greatest preachers in American History" in Ebony, and "the greatest preacher living, dead or unborn" in The Christian Century.

* Dr. William Willimon is dean of the chapel and professor of Christian Ministry at Duke University. He preaches each Sunday in the Duke Chapel and directs the campus ministry programs at Duke. He was named the first Distinguished Alumnus of the Yale Divinity School and serves on the editorial boards of The Christian Century, Pulpit Digest, Preaching, The Wittenburg Door and Leadership. He has written 37 books, including What's Right With the Church and Worship as Pastoral Care. His Pulpit Resource is used weekly by more than 8,000 pastors in the U.S., Canada and Australia. 윌리암 윌리몬 박사는 듀크 대학의 저명한 설교학 교수이며 듀크대학교회의 저명한 교목실장이었다. 이제는 교목실장직에서 물러나있다( 그는 종종 듀크 대학의 저명한 윤리신학자인 스탠리 하우어워스(Stanley Hauerwas,와 팀을 이루어 저술을 한다.

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